Did you make 2017 the year of you?
What did you focus on the most in the past year?
Make a list. What were the top five positive things that took most of your time and energy?
What were the top five negative things that stole your time and energy?
Which list is easier to make?
How much of your time and energy did you spend on the top five items?
Did you set a resolution last year?
Did you accomplish that resolution? Or is it the same one you’ve had for several years in a row and forgotten about just days after the new year began?
If these questions spark your interest and you’d like to work through them, I’ve created a free webinar on the Year of You to help guide you through your Looking Back process. The first part of the webinar is on looking back on all that you accomplished in the last year. It’s an outline, simple and easy to follow. As a coach, this is a process that I ask my clients to do, looking back through the months, to put your year on paper. Look back at your calendar, Facebook, checkbook, pictures, and possibly a journal that you use often. What happened in January-March, April-June and so on. Write the good, the bad, and the ugly. Be honest. It’s for your eyes only. Or possibly to share with the horses and me, when we are coaching you through this process, personalizing, and supporting your journey.
Looking back on your last year could take you awhile, or if you’re a really organized person, it could take you only a few hours. It takes me days! You can divide the project into 2 parts. One is personal and the other business. I combined mine on the same poster board because so much of my business is personal. I grow by working with others and seeing them grow. My work renews my aspirations and gives new perspectives on my own life.
Give your year a name. What was your main focus? What was the biggest lesson learned? In 2017 mine was to have the courage to work outside of my personal, safe, box. I had to be open and honest about my recovery and open, too, about my drinking days. When I stepped out of my comfort zone, I knew I had to be an open book, to be authentic. I had to be visible. My title for 2017 is “I Am Not Invisible.” This applies to both my personal life and my business. It’s easy for me to hide in my house, live with my animals, and be invisible. But in order to have a coaching business, I have to be visible, do cold calls, make lunch dates, get and respond to emails, and schedule speaking engagements. It is a process I am working on. Truth be told, I still like hiding with my animals!
I was amazed at how much I did in a year. We held a wedding at the barn. I worked with new clients. I gathered groups for Serenity in a Barn, bought a new stallion, birthed two fillies, and sold them. I went on a vacation, visited my daughter and my mother, took a class in Santa Fe to educate me on PTSD. And then other things like reading inspirational books. Dealing with losses I had, and gains that I enjoyed. This project brought such clarity to my past year and opened me up to get excited about focusing on my intentions for the new year. I invite you to the same wonderful process. Please join me for my free webinar to get started!
Appointments are available you and me to have a personal meeting either over the phone or here at the Ranch. Make yourself a priority and make that appointment today!