Horses see right into your heart and feel the energy that your heart knows to be true.
I met two women this week who are newly in recovery. I count it as such a blessing when I meet those who are just beginning their journey. These women are only a month or two into recovery and they speak about how they have already experienced positive changes in their lives. I see hope and fear in their eyes when they share finding their “bottom” – the bottom that is different for everyone.
Last week I talked about the choices we make in relationships. I described that we have a choice to open the door to a dark room or a light room. Expanding on that, imagine walking down a long hallway that has multiple doorways, knowing that you hold the key to each door. And knowing that it’s your choice which ones to open. You see light peeking out from below one door. Is it a light to entice or heal? Do you trust the light? Or is it a light that was once healthy and which now only seduces you into trouble and heartache?
So many doors. So many choices. Each of the two women I met this week have opened a door that will bring them such serenity and peace. It is inevitable that on their way they will open a few doors into the darkness of stress and pain. It’s how they handle the doors into darkness that can make them (and us) stronger. If every door were bright, shining, and perfect, it would be too easy to gain a false confidence in recovery and then end up going through the dark doors again and again.
When you choose, or are forced to choose, the doorway of recovery, you choose change. One of the sayings in AA is “You don’t change only one thing. You have to change everything.” For someone new in recovery, this is a terrifying thought. I realize that as you change how you look at and deal with everything, all relationships change. Relationships with your spouse, children, loved ones, families, and peers at work. Every relationship changes because you’ve changed. Some will grow deeper and more beautiful; and some you will lose because you change and they don’t.
Feeling into your energy the horse knows that your heart knows the answer and he will show you the way to the door of light.
Doorways are tricky. A nasty door could look pretty from the outside and offer immediate relief or excitement. But as you step in a little further you notice the energy in your body is telling you to turn around and exit — fast. As you enter other rooms, you feel the good energy right away. An energy that makes your heart smile and gives you power and confidence.
This invisible energy is felt by horses. They see right into your heart and feel the energy that your heart knows to be true. I spend so much time listening to my head. It tells me to take shortcuts or detours, and if I listen, it only pushes the door of light farther away.
In our barn there is a hallway that has many doors from which to choose for your future. I will ask you to walk with a horse down the hallway and allow you to choose which doors open to the future you desire. The horse will guide you in making the right choice. He might push or pull you, or even be stubborn and not allow you to walk through a door that is not healthy for you. Feeling into your energy the horse knows that your heart knows the answer and he will show you the way to the door of light.
Amazing animals, I am excited to share our horses with the women I met this week and with you. Come walk the hallway of your life with our horses. Join me in a personal session and discover your journey through the heart of a horse. Make yourself a priority and we will see you in the barn!