Live, Love, Laugh

We have a new Bernese Mountain dog puppy. He carries a big name:  Vida’s Heroic Sacrifice of Leonidis v Sterling.  We call him Idis.  Our little guy is six months old and weighs 60 pounds.  Every morning I am awakened by a nose breathing hot air in my face. His...

Time Management

“There isn't enough time in a day.”  I never thought that would ever come out of my mouth. After my children grew up -- and in my mind didn't need me anymore -- I woke up every morning and wondered what would I do today?  My options were not a need to do, but a what...


“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”  Mark Twain   Friday evenings used to be called our “cocktail hour” nights.  We would gather at a bar or at someone’s house, have appetizers and cocktails, talking, laughing and making big...

Parade Day!

With courage and joy I stepped way out of my comfort zone and walked in my hometown parade, advertising right on my shirt that Recovery Happens and spreading the word about Equine Gestalt Recovery Coaching. I shouted to the world that I am in recovery and that I have...


“I’m a gal that doesn't need a drink until she’s had a drink.” There is a woman in a meeting that I attend who says this before she takes her turn speaking. It is a true reminder of the power of just one drink. Personally, I can be strong and have logical thinking and...

Cheers to the Happy Couple!

Who would think that going to a wedding would be one of the hardest things for this recovering alcoholic to attend.  The gorgeous bride, the handsome groom, the pure joy that is in the air surrounding a new beginning in the couple’s lives. They share their vows in...

Summertime, Summertime!

Summertime -- my favorite season of the year.  I love the long hot days and feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, turning it a golden tan.  I love hitting the water for the first time in the boat and feeling the waves rock us back and forth.  I enjoy the hot...

Sometimes, the answer can be found in the stillness.

As the sun goes down the sky is turning a beautiful orange and red and the pasture is glowing in the brightness of the setting sun. Beauty is all around as the day is coming to an end.  You can sense quietness in the air. But my head will not shut up.  It’s conjuring...

Are you ready to be open and move forward? Come to our Open House.

We are getting ready for our Open House when we will open our barn doors and welcome you to One Neigh at a Time Ranch. In the distance I can hear sounds of the tractor preparing the new pasture for the horses, planting a perfect mixture of grass, alfalfa and clover. ...

On Being an Introvert

Have you ever wanted to change your personality?  I have been a quiet person all of my life.  When I was a young girl in school I would stand in a large group of girls and feel completely alone.  Not knowing what to say I said nothing at all.  My shyness had me...

Join our Facebook Recovery Community ~ "Gestalt Way of Recovery"

Our community's mission is to provide encouragement, support and motivation.  This is a closed group and exclusive to those in recovery.    You will find freedom to speak your truth with support from those who are going through their journey. Those in our group are asked to be a blessing of kindness and support. And provide a cyber hug when needed. Spreading love, hope, and encouragement. 

Group members are reminded of their personal power through Neigh for the Day inspirational messages that keep you motivated. 

Members get invitations to exclusive:  

Retreats & Workshops     

Group & Family Experiences

Let’s celebrate our accomplishments together.