How can a horse help you find the good within yourself?
“You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you and allowing that goodness to emerge.” Eckhart Tolle So many miracles have come to me since I began my journey into recovery. I’ve met so many strong and...
How can a horse help you write your story?
Don’t walk through this world looking for reasons why you don’t belong or that you’re not enough. Because it’s guaranteed, you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for. I’m reading Braving the Wilderness, by Brene Brown. In it she says, “In the...
How would your year have been different if you had been able to write it the way you wanted?
What is the difference between just saying “I have a vision” and actually creating one? To me the difference is life changing. When I created a vision for my life by looking 3 - 5 years into the future and writing as if I was already living that new life,...
How can a horse help you change the way you feel about yourself?
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. - Psalm 139.14 Do your thoughts and words change how you behave and feel about yourself? I believe that how we talk to ourselves is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves. I’ve read that we have 60,000 thoughts...
How can a horse help you say goodbye to alcohol?
Who am I? I have heard the statement from those in recovery, “I want to be who I used to be!” I always want to ask, “What about you changed? If you were so special, why did you drink yourself away?” I was not always a drunk, but I did start drinking at age...
How can a horse help you build better relationships?
A big part of my journey is going to AA group meetings and working with others in recovery. I have a few sponsorees and I support and work with them as they go through the 12 steps. Alcoholics Anonymous was designed by two men back in 1939. It is a great...
How a horse can help you heal after trama
The tragedy in Las Vegas is foremost in my mind today. It is shocking that life can change so quickly. In the midst of it all we must remember to honor ourselves and continue to work on having a healthy body, mind, and soul. If you are healthy, are you...
How Can A Horse Give You Confidence?
I just spent four days in the presence of a beautiful group of peers in Colorado at the annual Summit for the Touched by a Horse® (TBAH®), Equine Gestalt Coaching® program. I went in hopes of becoming more educated and learning new techniques on how to...
My Story: Her Secret Battle by Terri L.
She stood quietly by the woods breathing in the warm air. Dusk had just fallen and the night air was heavy with humidity. Her fingertips brushed the craggily pine needles covered in the evening dew. She breathed in their scent that filled the air. She...
How can a horse help you stay strong?
We all go through emotional times. What I need to do is to figure out what it is that’s controlling my emotions. This has been an emotional week for me and it’s really hard to admit that I struggle, too. I want to show the world that I’m strong. But isn’t...
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