I can hide in a crowd, feel uncomfortable when I am meeting new groups of people, I lay back and watch as others move around the room, chatting and getting to know new people. This use to bother me. I used to drink to feel more like I belonged in a crowd. Today, I recognize that’s who I’m. I’m not a social beingamongst a large group, I don’t put that pressure on myself to become an extrovert, I do not have the need to talk to many, I DO have the need to speak to those who seek healing.

I can lead a group, I can speak at an event, I can raise my hand and ask questions when answers are vital to me. It’s all about the opportunity I have to learn all I need to know about my passion; HEALING myself and others. I want to live a joy-filled life, and I want others to join me on this recovery journey.

I also have this opportunity to work with horses that heal. I owe it to the horses to show you their ability to take away your stress, anxiety, pain, and lead you on your recovery journey. You owe it to yourself to work on yourself; find ways in which you can HEAL. 

GESTALT is about becoming aware of the parts and pieces of ourselves that are at war with our hearts. The bits of our lives that continue to haunt our minds. The parts that we have swallowed as a child or as an adult, whether someone else has beaten you down or you have consumed, as I did, alcohol to cover up what was really hurting or missing in my life. 

Horses live a gestalt life, living in the here and now, wanting us to let go of all that keeps us from staying in joy, peace, and serenity. When I am present, I can feel into my healing heart and connect to my introverted self and reach out to groups, one moment at a time, one heart at a time, one day at a time, One NEIGH at a Time.

A quote from Steven Pressfield’s book, The War of Art. The quote says…

“The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear; then he can do his work. The professional knows that fear can never be overcome. He knows there is no such thing as a fearless warrior or a dread-free artist.”