How can a horse help you live in the moment?
Neigh #3...Live in the moment. Become aware of what is blocking your heart. Don’t let people, places, or things come between you and your divine spirit. Let go of the hate and resentment for yourself and others. Let love and forgiveness be your compass. The...
How can a horse help you connect with your divine spirt?
By connecting to my divine spirit, I feel a guiding power of strength, courage, and love within my body, mind, and soul. By connecting to my divine spirit, I feel a guiding power of strength, courage, and love within my body, mind, and soul. Learning to trust this...
How can a horse help you listen to your heart?
Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows. — Native American Proverb Going through recovery, having a plan of action that keeps me on the right path, learning a new process and doing the work, is what works for me...
How can a horse help you set goals?
Who I choose to be at this moment impacts who I will become. Is drama a big part of your life? Do you get stuck in what’s happening to you or to others? Is life a battle -- anticipating what’s next? We live in a constantly changing world, where circumstances can...
Go to Any Length
“If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps.” What does it mean to “go to any length” in your recovery? What does it mean to go to any length in your life? For me they mean the same...
A Sober Wedding
“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” My son was married last weekend at our Peace of Serenity Ranch. We had a beautiful celebration. And no alcohol was served. We chose to have a “sober” wedding and I...
A NeighDoodle for You!
Do you every have those moments where you can't stop thinking about a problem or a situation? During those moments, it's easy to go to a dark place, but you don't have to! One technique to help you get out of your head and into your heart is to DO something — and...
Meet Arianna
Life is a Gentle Teacher. She will keep repeating the lesson until we learn. It is okay to become frustrated. Confused. Angry. Sometimes it is okay to despair. Then, it is okay to walk away and allow the breakthrough to come. It shall.” I sat in the middle of our...
Finding Hope
I want to write about how alcoholism and death by suicide are related. How the stigma left behind on the family, or for the loved one who died from a loss of hope, is related to drinking. I am afraid that those who are living with the after affects of their loss might...
Foundations Recovery Network
“Thank you again for such a meaningful introduction to your services today. I really enjoyed getting to know you. Your compassion and empathy are truly inspiring. Just in my experience today, I have a deeper understanding of the healing power horses have on the human...
Join our Facebook Recovery Community ~ "Gestalt Way of Recovery"
Our community's mission is to provide encouragement, support and motivation. This is a closed group and exclusive to those in recovery. You will find freedom to speak your truth with support from those who are going through their journey. Those in our group are asked to be a blessing of kindness and support. And provide a cyber hug when needed. Spreading love, hope, and encouragement.
Group members are reminded of their personal power through Neigh for the Day inspirational messages that keep you motivated.